

Agoraphobia is a fear of particular kinds of public space where a person might not be able to escape from them if they have a panic attack - such as on a bus or in a shopping centre. It can lead to becoming totally withdrawn into a house, because the anticipation of having panic attacks outside the property grows too great. 

Useful  resources on the web: Click pictures to open in a new tab.
Initial Thoughts/Ideas: Please add your own to comments section below!

Music can carry a reassuring emotional meaning and can connect through having the right pace into a certain breathing rate very well, it would seem like a promising area for panic attack sufferers. 

Ideas could be around music that is reassuring for the sufferer, helping to create positive associations in the mind; or, music that helps to match a breathing rate at a slow enough pace to stay calm while also creating a clear enough mind to focus until a panic episode has passed. 
Music suggestions
Calm / Ambient
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