Paranoid feelings


Paranoia is not a diagnosed condition on its own but it is probably one of the most widespread kinds of anxiety, and seems to strike particularly strongly for when worrying about the course of politics, the government, and other things to do with events on a large scale. Paranoia can also be quite socially focused towards individuals in daily life, worrying about 'glances' or 'tones of voice' people are using, maybe excessively, or when these aren't real but are just the perception that is overall growing negative or stressed. 

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Paranoia tends to mean when a person draws from everything they have seen or read or the people they have met some wider sweeping patterns or conclusions which are over-negative. It is a type of wariness about the world which has origins in our history as life was dangerous, and all the horizons had to be scanned. So the human mind has to imagine on a wide scale what might happen and in many ways. 

And in social terms too, we learn not everyone is trustworthy all the time or says exactly what they mean and it might be quite complicated to figure out exactly what is real and what is not. If feeling confident on the inside most likely will not take to brooding in this way, but, if something  is building or there in the background anyway, or the media you read or the people you meet are tending to be too negative, then, paranoia may grow over time. 

In some cases it can become like conspiracy theories. That's how some social media news feeds work. They deliver a constant rolling anxiety feeling all the time so every day it feels like something significant is going to happen - usually bad. Check the time scales though - they make it feel like things are imminent or urgent  (or else  some kind of catastrophe will happen) - is that actually true though? If you look into things, there are usually only very slow processes over  years, decades or even longer

So, whatever you believe,  a longer term and slower time scale with more considered feelings and views is the only real way to make use of conclusions. It will never happen if staring at a screen  in a state of permenant worrying! There will always be straightforward options available that will amount to more - if patient -such as joining a party or creating your own blog or talking to others to swap viewpoints or writing a story. That is much better than  letting some kind of fear sweep across the imagination.  

Paranoia might lead to  becoming more socially isolated, which in turn, can cause more paranoia. The answer could be more hobbies and more social to get the perspective  that "things aren't really so bad yet".       

Other people might see a pattern you have missed - such as that you are always  imagining people are more unfriendly than they really were. It's difficult to keep perspective while   having a mind ranging over all the possible horizons to try to understand things. World stories on a kind of grand scale -like with political or religious beliefs - will probably always increase this feeling of reality becoming more dramatic. But, that can sometimes be the reason for paranoia forming. 

Rule of thumb that seems to work; out of all the extremer viewpoints, something close to the middle is likely to be about right. 

With paranoia it's really really important to get some trusted people around you
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I wrote more on this condition as that is what i suffered from!
Music style ideas for Paranoia
Use fiction to keep imagination busy
The mind is an imaginative place. And paranoia including conspiracy theories forming means the imagination is very active. 

Perhaps what was really needed was just more fictional stories to keep the imagination busy -rather than making the dramatic kinds of feelings be about the real world, it could maybe work to lose yourself in more novels or films. 

Slow the mind down

Calm the mind. Consider everything more slowly and get some space and talk to people.
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