Status Anxiety

Status Anxiety

Status Anxiety is extremely widespread but is not a recognised condition, although it probably should be. It's the kind of anxiety over achievements and how much we earn and what kinds of jobs we are doing - or the neighbours or friends or relatives or colleagues are doing. And what we own, what our clothes are like, plus house, plus social media profiles, and everything else about "success" or "not " in life. 

We live in a pretty image obsessed kind of period. So it's easy to get drawn into this stuff. Question is though - where to draw the line so it doesn't become more important than friendships, relationships, family, healthy,  happiness, and so on. there clearly IS a line to be drawn. But where should that be. 

Useful  resources on the web: Click pictures to open in a new tab.
Music style ideas for Status Anxiety
Caribbean styles - the message really feels like: "don't worry about tomorrow, live well for today" to me.
Folk Rock - looking back to kinda quieter, simpler, times .
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